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what, and what not Markup

These pages are mostly about neat things you can do when you combine xml, html, css and sometimes a tad of script. It will mostly be examples of effects, describing how they were done, and why. At least a decent level of knowledge about html and css is required. Although the why of it is explained, the properties themselves will not be. For that you should refer to the W3C technical reports.

The second article that I wrote for Naar Voren suggests a way to separate markup and behavior for links that should behave in various fancy ways, while at the same time keeping things accessible at all times for clients that don't support it. The article is in Dutch. An English version will be published here in due time.

Soon after the first version of csshover was published here, Naar Voren, asked me to write an article about the behavior itself and how the :hover pseudoclass could be used for various things. For those who don't know any Dutch an English translation (warning, very white) is provided.

Thoughts on xhtml

Proper markup and CSS are good. Not much room for a discussion I'd say. The only problem is how you use it, what to do, and what not to do. The general one-liner was "CSS ownes, tables are bad", but there's much more to the xhtml picture than just that.

:hover in IE # CSS Hover

Whereas most modern browsers natively support :hover for any element, IE only supports :hover for <a> elements. But, using behaviors (IE only feature, a bit like mozbindings) and some scripting it's possible to make IE support :hover on any element. As far as IE supports CSS, you can then use :hover in any way you see fit.

CSS examples

Different problems have different solutions, and there is something to learn in every solution. This page features examples of CSS, often combined with a few scraps of JS to enhance the effect.