Beehive II - Readme.txt, September 07, 2003 ------------------------------------------------- Peterned - (c) 2003 - Peter Nederlof About Beehive II ----------------------------- Beehive II is a DOM (document object model) library or wrapper. It extends on the DOM as proposed by the W3C, and is meant to enable quick and easy creation of complex behaviours or effects. Beehive II expects the browser to support standards, and thus since it's not needed a browsercheck is not included. In a sense it is not Beehive II that supports the browser, but it's the browser that supports Beehive II. So when should, and when should you not use Beehive II? For small effects and minor user tools on a site you could just as easily code something from the ground up, and I would encourage you to do so. Beehive II is meant for more complex scripts like window style components, scrollbars, menus etc. Although usability issues might favor the use of the Operating System's versions of some components, sometimes design issues require better looking versions, or versions that are not provided by the Operating System, but possible using DHTML. The choice whether to favor design over usability, or usability over design is up to you. short Version history ----------------------------- + V2.00.030907b - Changed and optimised core DOM wrapper functions. - Changed attachObject: requires a htmlElement instead of an id. - Changed DocumentProperties function to default doc object. - Changed AttachEvent: returns object to use in RemoveEvent(s). - Added dynObject.moveElement, and remove. - Added dynProto.relateToParent, smart autoscaling/sizing. - Added function strict(), attempts to ensure correct css. - Added and Thread object - Removed the internal use of ID's and document.dyn[]. - Removed dynProto.setProperties(). - Removed slideTo and fadeTo - Included a Function.apply fix for ie5.0 - Lots of minor and major internal changes & fixes. + V2.00a (base) - Removed specific browsersniffing altogether, DOM only. - Removed Various css function in favor of a general dynObject.setStyle. - Any html element can be created and nested, not only Div. This includes absolute, relative, or normal positioning. - Introduced Collection object. - Cleaner, faster and shorter code.